To Schedule An Appointment
Call (865) 560-8527
Arthroscopic Shoulder Specialist
Planning Your Appointment
Plan ahead to make your experience as beneficial as possible. It is important that you give us the information that we need so that we can gain the best understanding of your problem, determine the factors that may influence your treatment and determine the cause of the problem.
Before you go…
Find out the correct office location.
Click HERE to download new patient form so you can fill them out before your appointment.
What time should you arrive?
Please arrive 15 minutes before your first appointment so that you can complete all necessary registration items.
What should I bring with me?
It is important that you bring as much pertinent medical information to your appointment as possible.
Insurance card and primary care referral (if necessary).
Please bring your x-rays, MRIs, Arthrograms, and CT Scans, as well as their reports to the office. Obtain a disc of your imaging studies so Dr. Brady can review in the office.
List of your medications and herbal supplements.
Hard copies of any medical records.
Hard copies of surgical and operative reports.
List of allergies and any reactions you have to medications.
Any questions or concerns you have about your current condition.
Also be sure to...
Make a list of questions that you did not ask during your visit. You may ask them at your next visit or call our office at any time.
Follow any instructions that Dr. Brady talked to you about in the office.
Take notes while you are at your appointment.
Ask about your treatment options and alternatives and the risks and benefits of each option.
If surgery is planned our office will deal with your insurance for appropriate approvals.