New Technology
Dr. Brady gives a presentation to orthopaedic surgeons regarding knotless labral repair technology. This technology has improved...
Knotless Labral Repair
The shoulder is a complex joint which is stabilized by multiple structures. One important structure is the labrum. The labrum is the...
New Book Published!
Dr. Brady was the co-author of his THIRD orthopaedic shoulder textbook! After working on this endeavor for over a year, the book was...
Orthopaedic Patient Education
Do you have questions about your orthopaedic issues? This new and improved patient education website may be just what you need!...
Shoulder Device Patent Issued!
Dr. Brady's invention called the "Dog-Bone" implant and AC joint reconstruction technique was recently issued a United States
Avoid Reverse Shoulder Replacement!
A new procedure called the SUPERIOR CAPSULAR RECONSTRUCTION (SCR) offers some patients an exciting and MUCH less invasive option for...
Shoulder Hurts at NIGHT!
"My shoulder and arm hurt at NIGHT!". Why is this? Night pain is one of the most common symptoms of a shoulder problem. This problem...
Platelet Rich Plasma Cell Treatment
Platelet Rich Plasma (or PRP) is a a collection of fluid drawn from your blood which has highly concentrated platelet cells and plasma. ...
Dr. Brady Addresses Over 1000 Technology Consultants
Dr. Brady was invited to speak to over 1000 Arthrex Technology Consultants on the subjects of the Knotless Suturetak anchor and his...
Letter from Patient...
I’m writing to you today because of an experience I had here at Parkwest. On Sunday, May 31, 2015, I was trying to stop a fight between...