To Schedule An Appointment
Call (865) 560-8527
Arthroscopic Shoulder Specialist

Obtain any necessary labs, x-rays, ekg, and pre-operative medical clearance as requested by Dr. Brady. This MUST be done before surgery.
DO NOT EAT after midnight the evening prior to surgery.
Stop blood thinners prior to surgery as directed by your PCP or by Dr. Brady
Stop herbal supplements 10 days prior to surgery.
Shower well (with antibacterial soap) the evening before or morning of surgery.
We will schedule you a pre-operative visit (or telephone call) with an anesthesiologist to review your medical history.
Before Surgery
Day of Surgery
Do NOT eat anything the morning before surgery.
Do NOT drink coffee unless instructed to do so by the anesthesiologist.
Arrive at the surgery center or hospital at the time instructed.
Bring a book the day of surgery. Sometimes the wait can be long.
Wear loose clothing. Large button-up shirts are the easiest to re-apply after surgery.
Take ONLY the medications suggested by the anesthesiologist during your pre-op visit.
You must have someone to drive you home and also someone must stay with you for 24 hours after surgery.
NOTE: Call our office with ANY questions or concerns 24 / 7
After Surgery
Take your pain medicine as directed.
You can also take anti-inflammatory medications if you can tolerate these medicines.
Sleep in an elevated position such as in a recliner or in bed with multiple pillows elevating your torso.
It is common to have a low grade fever for 2-3 days after surgery. Take multiple DEEP breaths and cough occasionally to inflate and clear your lungs.
Do not drive until you have discussed with Dr. Brady or Josh Hawkins, PA-C.
It is okay to shower 24hrs after surgery. Let water run over top of incisions but do not soak the shoulder (bath, pool, hot tub).
If you purchased a Polar Care unit you can click HERE for instructions on use.
Dr. Brady will instruct you about the specifics of your rehabilitation process.
You can start the gentle passive range of motion exercises on postoperative day #1.
Always GO SLOW with exercises.
Always listen to your BODY! Unless Dr. Brady tells you otherwise...when something hurts...STOP!
You are to BOSS of therapy...not the therapist. You must be honest with your therapist and tell them when to stop pushing you.
In general rehab goes in three phases.
1. Home exercises
2. Range of motion
3. Strengthening
Rehab is usually slower than expected with many ups and downs along the way.
Any time you get discouraged or have questions feel free to call our office to talk or make an appointment to come back in to see us.